Radio Interview

As part of her monthly interview series, “Bioethics Briefing” on Spirit Radio’s ‘Spirit Mornings’ show, NCER Board President, Carol Szczepaniak will be speaking on the White Coat Waste project related to animal testing.

I guarantee you will learn new and important information about the mad science that is not only cruel but costing our government billions of dollars. What can we do about it? Listen in starting at 7:40 am Friday, February 7th …

Year 2024 in Review

Have you noticed and felt a shift in 2024? I hope you agree that this past year we have witnessed Pro-Life voices becoming more brave and strong than ever before. The territories won back are strategic and vital. Our numbers have grown because people sense urgency and momentum. Pro-Life encompasses every issue where the very dignity of human life is challenged. This includes abortion, elder abuse, the transgender agenda, assisted suicide, heritable gene editing, …

Nano Technology and the Harm It Poses

The term Nanotechnology is all over the news these days, whether it be in reference to medicine or technology. Join us in taking a brief yet thorough dive into what it is, what its applications are across cutting edge fields of science, and how it affects your health.

The term Nano reflects size, specifically 10 to the -9 power. It describes components the size of atoms, and particles so infinitesimal that there are 25,400,000 nano

NCER 2023 Holiday Greetings

Esteemed NCER Supporter,

When people think of worthy pro-life causes, on the top of the list is 1) faithful sidewalk counseling and prayer, 2) supporting crisis pregnancy centers, 3) caring for the practical needs of pregnant women in crisis, and 4) healing for those who have been traumatized by abortion. But being pro-life is not just about abortion.

People infrequently think of the enormous impact that anti-life practices within medical research and healthcare have. …

The World’s First Synthetic Human Embryo: No need for sperm, eggs, and fertilization

Worldwide, the prevalence of miscarriage is extremely high, yearly reported at 23 million. Of the average 6 million pregnancies in the United States each year, 16% end in miscarriage. The fetus is most vulnerable within the first trimester, with the majority of losses occurring between week 6-8, possibly resulting from genetic or environmental factors. However, little to no research has yet been conducted on miscarriages during this time period due to lack of access. Human …

“Nebraska Physicians are Playing ‘Fast and Loose’ with ‘Dead Donor’ Organ Harvesting Laws”

Approximately 42,000 organ transplantations occurred in the United States last year, the highest amount ever. However, over 100,000 people are on the organ transplant waiting list at any given time. In a bid to close the large gap between donors and those waiting, UNMC in Omaha, NE published a new research protocol specifically for heart donor/transplantation. Normothermic Regional Perfusion for Resuscitation of Hearts from Donation After Circulatory Death (NRP-cDCD) refers to a technique whereby a …

“Doctors have a macabre new way to harvest organs”

Dr. Klessig, anesthesiologist and pain management specialist (, gives us a refreshingly frank perspective of the of ethics involved in the NRP-cDCD organ transplantation procedure.

Read more here.…

American College of Physicians Statement of Concern

The American College of Physicians, the largest specialty society in the world (Internal Medicine) offers expertise and insight into the definition of both circulatory and brain death. In doing so, they uncover breaches in both logic and ethics as presented in the new NRP-cDCD protocol.  Take the time and read the following article to get a clear perspective.

ACP Statement Link

Gene Edited Pig Heart Successfully Transplanted

In a ground-breaking first, researchers and surgeons at the University of Maryland Medical Center have successfully transplanted a gene-edited pig heart into a dying man. For the heart to not be rejected once transplanted, 10 separate genes were deleted or added using CRISPR, earning the donor animal the nickname of a “10 gene pig”. Over 100,000 patients are awaiting an organ transplant at any given time, and about 20 of them die each day. This …

Growing Humans in Labratories – Abandoning 14 Day Rule

NCER Commentary:

ALARMING news: The “14 Day Rule” was established by the medical research community as the cutoff for growing human embryos in test tubes because this is the earliest development of the brain and spinal cord which would put the embryo at risk of suffering pain.  But as of this week, the International Society for Stem Cell Research has decided that human embryos can now be grown in the lab without restrictions