Harvard and the Brigham call for more than 30 retractions of cardiac stem cell research

You can rely on NCER to report life-giving ethical research successes, and to expose unethical, even fraudulent practices. Stem cell research has been replete with fraud, such as the Harvard Stem Cell Scandal, in which 3 researchers made claims that were unsubstantiated, resulting in thirty papers being retracted. Even more egregious is the common practice of deceitfully labeling aborted fetal tissue as “adult stem cells”.

As seen in STAT


Designer babies aren’t futuristic. They’re already here.

It is now common and affordable for adults to learn about their genetic make-up and any inheritable diseases their genes may carry. As a consequence, the use of expensive pre-implantation genetic testing to weed out imperfect embryos for family planning is growing rapidly. This trend risks relegating genetic diseases to poor populations, while also discriminating against imperfect but viable embryos that are created and rejected.  NCER rejects this disregard for the unborn even those in …

Mom to the Internet: Anybody want to trade my girl embryo for a boy?

Using IVF, a couple decides that they do not want to carry their frozen female embryo to term, so they offer it as a commodity on the Internet to be exchanged for a male embryo. The fact that their embryo is made from their combined DNA is not compelling enough to overcome their disappointment in its gender. This is how the new reproductive technologies turn embryos into economic products instead of human beings.  NCER strongly …