Johnson & Johnson New Covid-19 Vaccine

Johnson & Johnson has just received approval from the FDA for emergency use of their COVID-19 vaccine, making it the 3rd vaccine, and the first typical “viral vector” vaccine to treat COVID here in the United States. Johnson & Johnson joins Astrazeneca as a more traditional alternative to the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines approved for COVID. Traditional vaccines inject actual pieces of a virus, whether alive or dead, to elicit a response from our …

What is Transhumanism – and why should I care?

NCER Comments – 1-26-2021

  • What is Transhumanism?

The prefix Trans means crossing over a boundary; in this case, the boundary of being human.

It’s a philosophy or ideology that aims to control and transform the human species to a higher state using bio technologies, in order to eliminate suffering, disease, aging and death because those are considered mankind’s enemy. This ideology is based on secular humanism- the belief that the tangible world is the only …

COVID Vaccine – Ethics and Efficacy Update

All of us will soon be making a decision on whether we will be receiving one of the new COVID-19 vaccines. The goal of NCER is to provide knowledge and understanding of these vaccines, which will give us power to make ethical choices, giving us peace of mind and heart for ourselves and our families.

The Pfizer COVID vaccine has just been approved for emergency use, and Healthcare workers are the first in line to

Thank You for Making 2020 our Best Year Yet

Dear NCER Supporter,

The year 2020 has been quite the rollercoaster ride, and we hope you and your families have withstood the barrage of challenges it has brought. We reported the following medical ethics developments to you over the last year:

  • The rogue Chinese medical researcher, He Jiankui, was sentenced to prison for unethically creating the world’s first gene-edited children.
  • Women who donated their eggs for in vitro fertilization or gene editing research faced detrimental

COVID-19 Updates every Wednesday at Noon CST

Listen to Infectious Disease physicians, Drs. Lou and Tom Safranek as they speak on COVID-19 with updates every Wednesday at noon CST by calling 1-415-655-0003 Meeting ID:1457982033#   Dr. Lou Safranek is a Physician specializing in a practice focused on Infectious Disease.  Lou is also a current and founding board member of NCER.  Dr. Tom Safranek is a State Epidemiologist for DHHS in Nebraska.

“Clarifying Fetal Tissue Policy Contradictions”

NCER Comments:

NCER condemns the use of human fetal tissue from abortions in medical research as unethical for the following reasons:
1) Human embryos and fetuses are human beings in their earliest stages of development.
2) Every human being has a right to life and abortion constitutes the deliberate destruction of a prenatal human being.
3) Fetal tissue research from induced abortions treats the unborn child as an object valued only for its parts.

Update: Here’s what is known about Trump’s COVID-19 treatment

NCER Comments:

Remdesivir is an antiviral drug developed and produced using ethical means. However, results have been weak in preventing both hospitalizations and death. Additionally, itʼs cost is exorbitant at $1,000 per treatment.

What about the highly anticipated therapy known as Remdesivir? Is it an ethical and effective option in beating COVID-19?  An excerpt from a recently published article follows.








By Jon Cohen

Antibody treatment Trump touts relied on testing with cells derived from fetal tissue

NCER Comments:

Both ongoing studies and limited clinical use show promising results for REGN-CoV2 therapy. No aborted fetal tissue was used in the creation of Regeneronʼs COVID-19 and no fetal tissue is contained in the therapy. Two sources of antibodies were used: human and mice. The company has filed for “expanded access” from the FDA, and an Executive Order will allow use of the therapeutic without cost to the patient. However, aborted fetal cells were …

Update from 09/21/20 on COVID-19 Vaccines and Treatment in Development

NCER wants to keep you up to date on the ethical options in development for COVID-19 and seasonal flu vaccinations as well as all immunizations. This year, for the first time, all seasonal flu vaccines are made from ethical substrates, and not from aborted human fetal tissue. COVID-19 treatments are being developed from a myriad of substrates, ethical and unethical. We’ve provided a full list through the following two links to the Children of God© …

In It’s First Tough Test, CRISPR Base Editing Slashes Cholesterol Levels in Monkeys

NCER Comments:

The vast majority of adults are taking a daily Statin to manage their “bad” LDL and Triglyceride Cholesterol count, and many experience muscle pain as well as other adverse side effects. Using CRISPR gene editing, two companies, Verve and Beam Therapeutics, are intensely working on an ethical solution to high cholesterol which causes cardiovascular disease. Read the following to see the results.


As seen in



JUNE 27, 2020

A …