Ectogenesis: The End of the Abortion Debate?  by Xavier Symons | 28 Oct 2017

Ectogenesis, or the gestation of fetus in an environment ex utero, was once an idea confined to the realm of science fiction. But research involving the incubation of premature lambs in artificial gestation bags has made pundits think that fetal development ex utero may soon be possible.

The possibility of ectogenesis raises significant ethical questions, such as this: “will ecogenesis allow us to reconcile pro-choice and pro-life …

The Ethical Issues of CRISPR/Cas9 Technology:Aspiring Towards Perfection or Annihilation?

NCER President Carol Szczepaniak, recently had the opportunity to present at the 4th Annual Biopharmaceutical Research & Development Symposium at the University Nebraska Medical Center for the Department of Pharmceutical Sciences: College of Pharmacy.

Following is the abstract for her presentation on this widely debated topic making news across the world. If you would like to learn more about this or any other topic that NCER reports please contact us to speak for your group.…

CRISPR Gene Editing Can Cause Hundreds of Unintended Mutations

Science Daily May 29, 2017  Columbia University Medical Center

As CRISPR-Cas9 starts to move into clinical trials, a new study published in Nature Methods has found that the gene-editing technology can introduce hundreds of unintended mutations into the genome.

“We feel it’s critical that the scientific community consider the potential hazards of all off-target mutations caused by CRISPR, including single nucleotide mutations and mutations in non-coding regions of the genome,” says co-author Stephen Tsang, MD,

The Fertility Doctor Trying to Commercialize Three-Parent Babies June 26,2017  MIT Technology Review

A U.S. fertility doctor has started a company with a provocative vision for older women: become pregnant by having their DNA shifted into a young woman’s egg. The company, Darwin Life, was quietly established last year by John Zhang, also founder of a New York City clinic called New Hope Fertility Center, to deploy a cutting-edge fertility technology called “spindle nuclear transfer.” Originally developed as a way to prevent

Restoring Sight: CRISPR Could Reprogram Cells to Treat Retinitis pigmentosa

Genetic Literacy Project 4/28/17 University of California San Diego

Using the gene-editing tool CRISPR/Cas9, researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine and Shiley Eye Institute at UC San Diego Health, have reprogrammed mutated rod photoreceptors to become functioning cone photoreceptors, reversing cellular degeneration and restoring visual function in two mouse models of retinitis pigmentosa.


Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a group of inherited vision disorders caused by numerous mutations in more than 60 …

China Unveils Gene Technology to Create Superhumans with Hyper-Muscular Test-tube Dogs  by Rebecca Flood July 18, 2017

Armies of super-soldiers were a step closer to reality today after China announced it was genetically engineering hyper-muscular super-dogs.

The dogs, which are test tube bred in a lab, have twice the muscle mass of their natural counterparts and are considerably stronger and faster.

The canine genome has been especially difficult to engineer and replicate – but its close similarity to the human genome means it has long

First Human Embryos Edited in the U.S.

Rewriting Life  by Steve Connor  July 26, 2017


A still from a video shows gene-editing chemicals being injected into a human egg at the moment of fertilization. Scientists used the technique to correct DNA errors present in the father’s sperm.


The first known attempt at creating genetically modified human embryos in the United States has been carried out by a team of researchers in Portland, Oregon, MIT Technology Review has learned.

The effort,

Turning Skin Cells into Blood Vessel Cells While Keeping Them Young

Science Daily  April 6, 2017

This is a mouse heart section showing human progenitor cells that formed functional human blood vessels. Purple color signifies human blood vessels, red staining signifies the blood vessels of the mouse that received the human cell implants. Credit: Jalees Rehman

Researchers from the University of Illinois at Chicago have identified a molecular switch that converts skin cells into cells that make up blood vessels, which could ultimately be used to

This Fluid-Filled Bag Lets Lambs Develop Outside the Womb. Humans Are Next.  Jolene Creighton  April 26, 2017

Physicians at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia worked with 23 week-old lambs to in order test a synthetic device that imitates a woman’s uterus, hoping to limit mortality and disease in premature children that are born before 37 weeks

Creating an artificial womb would be a feat of monumental proportions, as premature birth is the leading cause of death for newborns. And this week, Philadelphia physicians made significant strides

Unproven Stem Cell ‘Therapy’ Blinds Three Patients at Florida Clinic

Science Daily  March 15, 2017  Stanford University Medical Center

Jeffrey Goldberg and his colleagues examined the cases of three women who were blinded after undergoing an unproven stem cell treatment for macular degeneration.
Credit: Norbert von der Groeben
Three people with macular degeneration were blinded after undergoing an unproven stem cell treatment that was touted as a clinical trial in 2015 at a clinic in Florida. Within a week following the treatment, the patients experienced