Radio Interview

As part of her monthly interview series, “Bioethics Briefing” on Spirit Radio’s ‘Spirit Mornings’ show, NCER Board President, Carol Szczepaniak will be speaking on the White Coat Waste project related to animal testing. I guarantee you will learn new and important information about the mad science that is not only cruel but costing our government billions of dollars. What can we do about it? Listen in starting at 7:40 am Friday, February 7th at – Spirit

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Year 2024 in Review

Have you noticed and felt a shift in 2024? I hope you agree that this past year we have witnessed Pro-Life voices becoming more brave and strong than ever before. The territories won back are strategic and vital. Our numbers have grown because people sense urgency and momentum. Pro-Life encompasses every issue where the very dignity of human life is challenged. This includes abortion, elder abuse, the transgender agenda, assisted suicide, heritable gene editing, medical

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Nano Technology and the Harm It Poses

The term Nanotechnology is all over the news these days, whether it be in reference to medicine or technology. Join us in taking a brief yet thorough dive into what it is, what its applications are across cutting edge fields of science, and how it affects your health. The term Nano reflects size, specifically 10 to the -9 power. It describes components the size of atoms, and particles so infinitesimal that there are 25,400,000 nanometers

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Food Safety – The Horse is Out of the Barn . . .

Gene Modification in Produce   Food has been genetically modified since the 1990’s, with tomatoes being the first brought to market. Changes were made within the DNA of the tomatoes causing them to grow faster, larger, and be resistant to pests. Using CRISPR gene editing techniques, we now genetically modify plants and animals using DNA from other species. For example, bacteria DNA is used to modify potatoes, cattle DNA is used to modify salmon, even

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Alabama IVF Court Case

In 2019, Alabama voters approved a state constitutional amendment which affirmed the sanctity and rights of unborn children, leading to a near total ban on abortions (unborn, in utero). In the 2022 Dobbs v Jackson decision, the US Supreme Court ruled that states have a legitimate interest in the preservation and protection of prenatal life at all stages of development. In February 2024, Alabama Supreme Court stated that the “wrongful death of a minor act”

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Contact Us

Nebraska Coalition for Ethical Research
P.O. Box 5049
Lincoln, NE 68505-5049
Phone: 402.690.2299

Carol Szczepaniak
MSB – President

Mary C. Dek, M.D.
Vice President

Lou Safranek
M.D. Ph.D.

Joe Szczepaniak
Board Member

Marion Miner J.D.
Board Member

Ken Knaus


The Nebraska Coalition for Ethical Research is a statewide advocate for biomedical research that promotes the life, dignity and rights of every human being at each developmental stage.